Saturday, April 25, 2009

USB CABLES!!! joy o joy!

my mom bought me a usb cable.

is that what they're called???? eeeeep.

you know, so that i can take pictures on a real camera and upload them????

i'm also thinkin of buying a REAL camera.... although, the last camera i had was an old school minolta and oh dear lord i think i still have it and love it to death. would totally love to have a dark room.

somehow i think vlad would not like our bathtub to be a dark room. just sayin.

but anyway, so i'm thinking of buying a BIG GIRL camera and i'm not sure-

scratch that, i have NO FRICKIN IDEA what kind, etc, would work for me. all i know is that when i went to best buy they were EXPENSIVE. yikes.

so. just curious. what ya'll use, and why, and why it blows your skirt up or your socks off.

also? the meaning of this post was really to tell ya'll that i can take pictures now and show you my whole life and my house and once i figure out video, that too, so get ready for that this month!!!!

also? er, has anyone SEEN my camera? damnit.... i think it's in the car.

i'm always one wheel short, ya know?


midlife slices said...

I love my Nikon D70 but they don't make a D70 anymore. My sister just got a Nikon D60 and loves it. I want a Nikon D3 but I'll have to win the lottery first and chance of that are slim to none since I rarely play. :)

Good luck with your camera search.

Jess said...

I have the Canon Rebel and I really like it. It has manual or automatic mode so if your a photard like me you can still take magnificent pro.fessional looking pictures. I have yet to play around with the manual mode cause I don't know nothing about light and all that photalk stuff???